Writing Prompt of the Week on Zoom
Saturdays, 12 – 1 pm Eastern Thursdays, 6 – 7 pm Eastern
It’s free – just turn up on time with pen and paper. Invite your friends!
Become the writer you want to be
You’ve probably heard the classic advice, “Write what you know.” Is that helping you become the writer you want to be?
What if you try writing what you DON’T know?
When you only write what you know, it can be a struggle. The words don’t come out the way they sound in your head. You might think it’s your fault: you’re just not a good writer.
It’s not your fault! We’ve learned, over 20 years of teaching workshops, that everyone (yes, everyone) is capable of writing with originality, authenticity, and emotional power.
That includes YOU.
Who We Are
The Creators of Imaginative Storm
Allegra Huston
Author of the acclaimed Love Child: A Memoir of Family Lost and Found, the novel A Stolen Summer, and many screenplays and magazine articles. Holder of a First in English from Oxford University, and previously Editorial Director of a major London publishing house.
James Navé
Author of 100 Days: Poems After Cancer, slam poet and emcee, storyteller, co-creator with Julia Cameron of The Artist’s Way Creativity Camps. And holder of an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts.
We come from opposite ends of the writing spectrum: that’s what makes our collaboration so unique and so powerful.
Co-authors of
In paperback, pdf download, and e-book
Buy the 10 sessions individually or the entire course for a substantial discount
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Transform your writing, and your approach to writing, forever!
Write What You Don’t Know
Discover how to tell your story
Fill your writing with emotional power
Teach your inner critic to speak when it’s useful and shut up when it isn’t
Cultivate your writing voice
Say goodbye to writers block forever
Explore the infinite potential of your imagination
Learn how to write fearlessly. Surprise yourself!
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What We Do
From the Imaginative Storm to the creative form
How can you write what you don’t know?
Have you ever had the feeling, as you were writing, that a wonderful thought just came to you? It felt spontaneous, natural, as if you didn’t have to “think” it up?
Fresh, original writing doesn’t come from your conscious, rational, intentional mind. It comes from your unconscious and just needs to be encouraged to emerge.
The Imaginative Storm method stimulates your imagination, and trains your rational mind to recognize, capture, and shape those creative gifts into writing that will amaze you.
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Extraordinary pieces written in just 10 minutes, unedited