“Meaningful Gibberish” - written in 10 minutes


Maria Wasson wrote this piece in 10 minutes in our Saturday salon, to the prompt of “The Loch Ness Monster’s Song,” a poem by Edwin Morgan. Read it below.

“Meaningful Gibberish”

– Hubba, bubba, she garbles.  

She is hungry, I think.

I make her some toast.

She grabs it, or tries to, her hands flailing in the air.

I touch her fingers gently and break off a piece to give to her.

She maneuvers it to her mouth and chews vigorously, crumbs spilling.

– Yumm, burp, glub, blup – noises forming from somewhere deep inside.

Messily, she finishes the toast, then hisses for something more.

I put the cup with a straw in front of her and she plunks her head down, lips searching for the straw.  Slurp, slurp.

Yes, that is what she wants. 


It has only been a year since the accident that stole her words from her tongue.

But I know inside she is there, frustrated, determined, cooing adamantly, curiously, to me with sounds and gibberish.

I will stick with her until she gives me that look, a sparkle in her eyes that speaks of gratitude.


Written in 10 minutes: “cutting a piece of the past”


Written in 10 minutes - playfully